Human Rights


Our Human Rights Responsibility

Prysmian is a People company, and our success over the past 140 years was built on the skills of our employees. They are key to creating long term sustainable value for all stakeholders. As a company that operates across the globe, Prysmian Group takes concrete actions to ensure it respects and protects the Human Rights of all our people and those affected by our business activities and supply chain. Therefore, we have carried out a comprehensive audit plan conducting both remote and onsite assessments in our plants to detect any potential gaps with internationally accepted human rights principles.


Safeguarding the dignity, freedom and equality of all human beings

We believe that safeguarding the dignity, freedom and equality of all human beings is at the heart of who we are as a company. We reject discrimination of any kind, and all illegal acts and activities. Our Human Rights Policy is designed to make us operate within the framework of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), and seek to uphold their recommendations across all our locations.

Our Human Rights approach

Our Human Rights Approach is based on three pillars.

Commitment: Through our policies, practices and guidelines, we have committed to respect and protect several fundamental Human Rights.

Due Diligence: We assess Human Rights impact and track our performance involving different actors in the process. We have subjected 100% of our plants to due diligence for Human Rights abuses.

Remediation: We provide access to remedy, and take preventive actions such as training on Human Rights related topics.

Human Rights and Suppliers

Outside of the Group, Prysmian seeks to ensure that suppliers also respect Human Rights, applying a specific Due Diligence process that assesses the risk at supply chain level. We carefully analyse the risks associated with suppliers and raw materials, apply ethical standards and policies on such topics as Human Rights and conflict minerals, and adopt a responsible code of business conduct. Prysmian informs suppliers about these guidelines during its scouting and qualification stages. Prysmian has carries out audits with the aim of monitoring the supplier base in order to prevent any violation, and if necessary, firmly take action — including reconsidering future commercial partnership with the involved suppliers.

Human Rights in Prysmian

We are global leaders in the cables industry operating across the globe, in many different countries and with many different communities. We believe that safeguarding the dignity, freedom and equality of all human beings is at the heart of who we are as a company. We reject discrimination of any kind and all illegal acts  and activities, such as corruption, and forced or child labour, and support the full realization of socio-economic development.